Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Irrigation System and Repairs

Beautiful spring day and we are doing start-ups for maintenance customers, repairs, installations...everyone is getting ready for spring with new irrigation systems and repairs on existing systems. Post your questions or check out our website.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Irrigation System

Update: We've completed the complex, but awesome system in Highlands, NC. We had a fabulous walk-thru and our customers are thrilled. Once the spring planting is done look for pictures of this incredible irrigation system.

New Project Update: We have started a new irrigation system in College Park today and will be completed soon. I hope to have pictures up on the website tomorrow.

Now is the time to plan for your new irrigation system - don't wait.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Repair your irrigation system now!

It's going to be a beautiful week after today so now is definitely time to beat the rush towards getting your irrigation system operating at it's very best. Be wary of irrigation companies in Atlanta that claim to have "no service fee" as they often have a one hour minimum charge. Check out our fees on our website.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Repair Fees: Service Call Fee vs. Hourly Fees

Most irrigation companies in Atlanta charge an hourly fee for services. Some will try to trick the consumer into believing they are not being charged a service call fee when in fact they have a one hour minimum for services that often exceeds our flat rate service fee with no time limitation.

When it comes to repair services, chose a contractor or irrigation company in Atlanta with the experience to make proper repairs in a timely fashion who warrant their work.

We do all this - check out our website.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Irrigation Sprinkler Repair Question

Check out our answer at
We were the ONLY answer and CHOSEN the best. If the first answer is right then do you really need another.

Tips to know you have a sprinkler system leak

We have been getting a number of calls regarding leaking sprinkler and irrigation systems. The first obvious sign that you could have a sprinkler system leak is an increase in your water bill - which most placed upon showing the repair invoice - will credit a portion of the increase. We had a customer last week with a $2,000 water bill. Also, look for wet spots that are new in any part of your yard. Water sometimes travels in mysterious ways but most times the leak is in that general area. Also, if you notice something out of the ordinary, locate your shut-off valve and turn the system off until repairs can be made. For more information on our repair services, check the website.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring???? Everyone's thinking about new irrigation system

With our nice spring weather, many people are thinking about and planning for their new irrigation systems. Don't forget to be sure to plan properly for your new system. Ask me questions or advice on your new irrigation system.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Completing Irrigation Project in Highlands NC

Today we will begin completing the last of an awesome irrigation project in Highlands, NC. This property is incredible and deserves an incredible system which our customers are getting. Look for pictures on the website soon of this new irrigation system.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Battle between Winter and Spring has begun

This morning many of us woke up to the battle between Winbter and Spring....snow! Don't let this weather distract you from planning your new irrigation system now as the weather outlook is perfectly spring-like. Check out our specials on our website.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


We are continuing to work on our 2nd project in Cumming today. It is going to be an awesome FIRST DAY OF SPRING! I love working in this kind of weather and knowing that soon all the new irrigation systems we've installed will be doing their part to make things more beautiful!

Pictures coming soon on these two projects!

Friday, March 19, 2010

New Irrigation Project in Highlands NC

We were fortunate enough to be chosen by an Atlanta resident to design and install an new irrigation system at his mountain home in Highlands, NC. After interviewing many companies for this large project, he chose my company.

We began in early December before the snow set in. I have a crew heading out Sunday to complete this awesome system. This system was specially designed for the extreme high pressure along with allowing for small, customized watering. Not to mention the awesome raised patio with sod between the stones that is also being irrigated.

The customer's chose what I have never personally done on a residential project which is the irrigation two-wire & decoder system. This is a 30 zone system and that would mean a whole lot of wire. By chosing the two-wire system, the customer is eliminating a substantial amount of wire and thereby, giving less opportunity to have wire related problems later.

I have done several Two wire decoder systems particularly lately although they are typically used on larger commercial properties. The most recent two-wire/decoder system I designed and installed was at the Kia Motors plant in West Point which we finished in November.

I'm so excited to get this system finished and up & running. Look for pictures on the website in a week or so.

1st Cumming New Irrigation System - Complete

We have successfully completed the first of two new irrigation systems in Cumming and are beginning to work on the 2nd job. Remember, it is important when selecting a contractor that you know the state requires for backflow prevention and rain sensors to be sure you are in compliance and get an efficient, safe system. Also, as is this case in the new irrigation system we are starting today, design is extremely important to ensure even, steady flow of water to all irrigation heads. For more information, go to our website.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Update: New Irrigation System in Cumming x 2

Full fledge work will begin this morning on the two new irrigation system installations in Cumming.

Both these systems are super efficient for watering using the Hunter Solar Sync to help monitor water according to the rain, temperatures and humidity.

To learn more about the Solar Sync, check out our website.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Irrigation System Installation in Cumming x 2

We will began our prep work today on two new irrigation system installations in Cumming. These customers took their time, researched, got estimates and talked to a lot of irrigation companies in Atlanta before chosing us. I would encourage everyone do to the same as this is an investment in your landscape and home. I'll update you all as the project progresses.


Don't forget it's EPA Water Sense "Fix-a-Leak" week - do your part for water conservation by fixing any nasty little leaks you may have from toliets to faucets. Of course, don't forget about your irrigation.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Season is Upon Us

It looks like we are getting a taste of spring for the next several days. As any Atlantan knows, there will be more cold weather before spring stay. Prepare your existing irrigation system with a Spring Start Up. If your considering a new irrigation system, now is definitely the time to plan and get things underway.

Monday, March 15, 2010


To encourage more efficient water usage and conservation, the EPA Water Sense folks have designated this "Fix a Leak" week.
Do your part!
Check out my company's special on our website.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Update: New irrigation installation

We got the main water sources and valves in yesterday before the rain hit. I've got 4 guys out there at this project today hoping to finish up this new irrigation installation. Keep your fingers crossed the rain holds off long enough.

Look for pictures on the website by Monday for this new irrigation system installation.

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Irrigation System Installation in Newnan

Happy Friday! More rain is expected later and I know you all find it hard to think about watering your lawn and getting a lawn sprinkler system when it's raining. Planning is important and now is the time to get your new irrigation system installed.

We are starting a new project in Newnan (one of many we've done in the Summer Grove neighborhood). Look for pictures on the website when completed.

It's a great 4 zone Hunter system with a Solar Sync.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Preparing your existing irrigation system for Spring!

Besides checking out the working condition of your sprinkler system, when you considering projects this spring like decks, patios, etc. be sure you consider the impact on your irrigation system. Sprinkler heads can often be moved or capped. Make sure you think about this BEFORE your project because trying to correct it afterwards often increases the expense.

You can learn more about my company's repair and maintenance services as well as our spring special on our website.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

EPA Water Sense Week

March 15-20 is EPA Water Sense "Fix-a-Leak" week. Whether you have a water line leak, irrigation related leak or a leak at home, take the time to fix it or have it fixed next week to help us stop the wasting of water.

If you have a water line or irrigation related problem, you can go to our website fore more information and our special for next week only.

Spring has almost "sprung"

The recently warm temperatures has everyone thinking and planning for spring. As anyone in Atlanta knows, it is almost certain there will be more cool weather. Don't let this discourage you from making plans now for your new irrigation system in Atlanta.
Also, look for an update on our website of photos from our large drainage project in atlanta that should be completed by Wednesday.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Beautiful weekend...Think new irrigation system

We have a beautiful weekend in store. So get out and make your plans for your yard for this spring including a new irrigation system.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Final Day...Fairburn

Today is our final day on this 4 zone Hunter irrigation system. Things have gone quite smoothly and we've had no problems. I hope to post pictures tonight on our website when I return. I cannot tell you enough how important it is to do proper research or at the least, have total confidence in the irrigation company you chose.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Irrigation Project in Fairburn

Today we are starting a new irrigation system installation. It is a 4 zone Hunter system with a Solar Sync. The customer spent many hours research irrigation design, installatin procedures, state requirements and irrigation companies in Atlanta. Then, he chose us and has gone on to post a review that compliments our knowledge and thanks us for our help. Look for pictures when the job is completed tomorrow on our website.