Friday, December 30, 2011

Irrigation Atlanta

On the verge of a new irrigation system installation? When designing an irrigation system, the company you choose should consider the presence of existing trees and shrubs in the lawn as well as any flower beds, etc. They should also be aware if you are planning to expand your landscaping later, that way they can install the system with that future addition in mind.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Landscape Lighting Atlanta

With a landscape lighting system, you get not only beauty, but lighting is also a means to provide security and safety. Changes in the elevation of your yard, low shrubs and plants that people can trip ove-all are potential safety concerns. You may also have changes in your steps, the deck, the driveway and the entrance ways. All of these potential safety hazards and more can be addressed with landscape lighting. And for an extra measure of security, you can have a timer installed so you can control when the lights come on and go off.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Irrigation System Atlanta

Now is the best time for a new irrigation system installation! Installing your system early will allow for the best recovery time for your landscape while warm season grass is still dormant. Check out our website to see our amazing new irrigation installation special.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Irrigation Atlanta Winterization

Winter is the time of year when most people are thinking about shutting down their irrigation system. It is also a time of year when pipes and parts can freeze and bust causing a huge mess! Properly shutting down the system for the winter can prevent these headaches now and when spring time comes.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Irrigation System Atlanta

The Irrigation Associations "Irrigation Best Management Practices" provides that "the irrigation system shall be designed to be efficient and UNIFORMLY distribute the water." We see so many systems on the repair side of our business that are designed improperly. Design is the first cruicial step to assuring that you have an irrigation system that works properly. Anybody can throw pipe in the ground and call it irrigation, an irrigation professional does so much more.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Irrigation System Atlanta

Right now is the best time to plan and install your new irrigation system in Atlanta. Installation this time of year, particularly while the sod is dormant, will allow the trench lines to cover from the installation when the sod comes out of dormancy. This will provide you with a luxurious green lawn this spring.
There will be a rush after the first few warm days of people trying to plan and install irrigation systems as there is every year. I would highly recommend you do this now to beat the rush. Most irrigation companies in Atlanta are running specials for new irrigation system installations and giving free new irrigation system estimates. You will already be ahead of the game when spring comes so that your lawn reaches it's fullest potential.
You can find more out on our website about our company and specials.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Landscape Lighting Atlanta

The days are definitely shorter now and if you work anywhere other than home, it is probably dark by the time you get off of work. Have you pulled up to your home and said "Gosh its really dark around here"? We can help by adding outdoor lighting
to your landscape. Not only will it illuminate your home but it can also deter criminals and save you from injury as well. (Nothing like tripping over something in the dark and falling into the flower bed!)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Irrigation System Atlanta

If you are thinking about a new irrigation system, stop thinking and get it going. This time of year is excellent to install a new sprinkler system so that come spring you are ready to go. Reading our blog for the first time..and want to get a quote for an highly efficient new irrigation system? Quotes are free so give us a call at the office (770) 461-1776!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

So you think your irrigation system is leaking because you got a higher than normal water bill? Check your valve boxes for water if there is no noticeable area of water in your yard. Before you call an irrigation repair company such as ours also check for leaking, dribbling toilets and faucets. We had a customer with a $300 increase in her bill who was convinced it was her irrigation system. Turned out it was a dribbling toilet that drove her bill up.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

While our season is at it's low this time of year, we are still out working on new irrigation systems, winterizations and repairs that do happen this time of year. Most importantly we are reviewing products, testing results and making decisions to offer our customers the best for irrigation systems next year.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Irrigation Maintenance Atlanta

To prevent damage to your irrigation system and lower your overall irrigation costs, establish a maintenance schedule with a reputable irrigation company in Atlanta. At a minimum your system should be winterized then activated in the spring as well as inspected in the spring for any repairs or adjustments that need to be made. In most cases you also save over having winter and spring service done separately, in addition to discounts if repairs are necessary.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New Irrigation System Atlanta

Now is definitely the time to finalize your plans for a new irrigation system. Be sure to use a reputable Atlanta irrigation company that will comply with the state laws for rain sensors and backflow. Also, each county has it's own requirements so make sure they know your county's requirements as well. Take the time to chose wisely - cheaper is not always better - you often get what you pay for so if you want the best it may cost you a little more but in the long run you will save a lot of money!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Irrigation System Rain Sensors

With the rainfall we are getting, it once again reminds me of the importance of rain sensors for irrigation systems. This is a small investment in saving water in the event of a sporadic shower or rainfall. If you don't have one, I encourage you today to inquire about getting one with an irrigation company in Atlanta. Not only will it save you money, save water waste but will help to conserve water as well.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Irrigation Atlanta Maintenance

Maintenance of your irrigation system is as crucial as changing the oil in your car. I've said that before and I'll say it again. Since we had some frosty temperatures earlier this week and more to come this weekend, many customers are getting their irrigation systems maintained and properly shut down for winter (winterization). If you haven't, we would encourage you to do so as it will help to increase the longevity of your irrigation system.

Friday, December 2, 2011

New Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Whether your thinking of adding on to your existing irrigation system
or getting a new irrigation system, don't let these cold temperatures deter you! You can have your system installed on days when the temps are above freezing, tested for your walk-thru and shut down for the winter.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Irrigation Atlanta-Winterizations

What could happen if I don't winterize my irrigation system? If you don't winterize your system, heads and pipes can crack because of water remaining in the lines. If you are using a pump, the pump can crack too for the very same reason. It doesn't cost much to winterize a system. If you're thinking that we live in the south and dont need to do this-dont forget it freezes here too! If your goal is to save money by not getting it winterized, this could backfire. (Repairs could be costly and time consuming.)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Irrigation Systems Atlanta

In the last couple of days I've gotten several phone calls from people who want to get a new irrigation system. All of them seemed to have one thing in common - they didn't know much about irrigation design or planning - but just wanted water.

So I say it you that proper design (pipe size, head nozzles, etc.) by your irrigation company is essential. It's great if you got an irrigation system to water your lawn but not great if it's watering while it's raining or right after it stopped raining. It's also not good if you don't have proper coverage by your irrigation system that will result in brown or missed spots.

Keep in mind that different manufacturers' products offer different features. If your interested in efficiency products - ask about those. If you just want to water your roses, ask about just watering your roses. Make sure and let your irrigation contractor know what you need and want.

Be sure to do a little research when deciding on an irrigation company in Atlanta. Make sure you ask the right questions: product manufacturer, warranty, state requirements, years in business and other jobs and/or customer testimonials. Also, be sure to ask your irrigation contractor if they utilize the "full coverage" theory in irrigation. If not, missed spots there will be and you will never fully realize the potential for your irrigation system.

A little research and planning will take you a long way...chose wisely, chose effectively and water efficiently.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

'Tis The Season...

The irrigation Christmas tree is twinkling and Jack Frost was running around last night. Looks like Christmas is on the way and it seems everyone is in the holiday spirit. During this time, we will all experience the shopping, eating and traveling that comes with the season. Here at Millenium Irrigation,
we ask that you not only enjoy those things but also remember those who may not have a great Christmas. There are so many out there who are without-whether its food, clothing, money, a home, or even a loved one. Share your joy with others-you never know that even a kind word can change someone's view. Spread your Christmas joy-and as always have a safe December!

Stay tuned-tomorrow its back to more irrigation information!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Rain Sensors for Irrigation Systems

With the rain we are getting today, it once again reminds me of the importance of irrigation rain sensors. This is a small investment in saving water in the event of a sporadic shower or rainfall. How many times have you seen an irrigation system running during the rain? Have you wondered why that is happening? Most likely because that system doesn't have a rain sensor. If you don't have one, I encourage you today to inquire about getting one with an irrigation company in Atlanta. Not only will it save you money, save water waste but will help to conserve water as well.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Being Thankful...

Here at Millenium Irrigation, we feel we have much to be thankful for. I would like to take this moment to thank all of our customers out there..without you we wouldn't be doing what we do. Thank you to all of our vendors...without your support, our job would be ten times harder. And most of all, thank you to our guys. They get out there and work every day, rain or shine, cold or hot. You are the faces that our customers see and the excellent work you do keeps them coming back. Thank you for everything you do, every single day. (Even Saturdays!) Here's an early Happy Thanksgiving wish from Millenium Irrigation.

We hope everyone out there enjoys the holidays, has safe travels where ever you go, and last but not least....We hope everyone finds something to be thankful for. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Woodward Academy

Today we start another week long project at Woodward Academy. They have an irrigation system that is need of additions, repairs and upgrades and we have steadily been working on it for a several months now. This week we are working at the middle school campus with more projects to come in the near future.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Irrigation System Winterization

While most irrigation system pipes should be below the frost line in Georgia, it is still important to have your irrigation system winterized because you never know what kind of winter we are going to have here in Georgia. Particularly important are you valves because while they are underground they are still exposed and those connection points have a tendency to be the first area of breaks after a cold winter.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Irrigation Atlanta

Be smart when watering..take a look at your system frequently, even this time of year, to be sure it is working properly - look for leaky heads, heads that need adjusting and things of that nature. These types of irrigation repairs, if you wait til the Spring, could end up costing your more due to additional damage ths winter.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Irrigation Repairs Atlanta

Getting ready to go on vacation? Thanksgiving holidays are just around the corner. If you are planning to visit with family out of town, you need to make sure your irrigation system is working properly while you are gone. For irrigation system repairs in Atlanta, it is important to get a thorough walk-thru and inspection from your irrigation repair company.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Irrigation Companies Atlanta

With the skies clouding up, I can't help but stress the importance of rain sensors. We have had several repair calls recently where irrigation companies in Atlanta didn't comply with the state requirement for rain sensors. Contractors are doing a huge disservice to their customers when they don't meet this small inexpensive requirement.

You can take a step up towards saving a little on watering your lawn by making an investment in a new controller which allows for seasonal adjustments and adding a Solar Sync. I did this and saved an average of 30% on my personal watering bill during the spring and summer last year.

To learn more go to our website.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Irrigation Companies Atlantla

Even when it comes to irrigation systems, customer service matters!

Another ***** star rating from one of our recent customers:

-Very professional and helpful. Took the time to explain to me the steps that he needed to do to complete the job. Office staff when I made the appointment was very friendly and accommodating. A+++++ !!! Cecille H., PTC

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

As a company and personally, we here at Millenium Irrigation would like to extend a huge thank you to all of the men and women who have and will serve in the military for our country. To the past, present and future protectors of America, WE SALUTE YOU!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Irrigation Repairs Atlanta

Take the time in the next few days to check on your sprinkler system. Look for leaks and heads that aren't spraying correctly. Go ahead and contact an irrigation company in Atlanta to make those repairs so that your system is functioning properly. Be wary of irrigation companies that tell you they don't have a service fee as they often have a one-hour minimum fee which is the same thing although most companies with service fees, such as mine, have no time limitation.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Thinking about a new irrigation system for your new landscape? Be sure that your irrigation company not only looks at the landscape plan but checks out the property to gain knowledge of site conditions (slope, soil, etc.) as well as checking your static water pressure and flow rate. Failing to check all these things before installing a new irrigation system could result in an inefficient, water-hogging sprinkler system.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

November is Lung Cancer Awareness month and Millenium Irrigation had our team out and about early this past Saturday morning to participate in a 5K No More Excuses
Walk/Run for lung cancer. I am so proud that everyone here at Millenium (including friends and family) came out to be a part of "Team Pearlies"! We had three medal winners from our team alone and we managed to raise quite a bit of money that will go directly to lung cancer research. Not only did we walk to raise awareness and money for research, but we walked in memory of one of the founders of this company, Gregg Poe. Lung cancer is not just a smoker's disease so please help us spread awareness this month. No one deserves lung cancer and the more we make others aware, the better chance we have for implementing early detection and hopefully one day a cure!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

So you don't think you need to winterize your irrigation system? At least do these couple of things, shut off the water. Run your system for about 30 sec to clear as much water as possible. Unplug your controller. You aren't fully protected as you would be with a professional winterization but it's better than nothing. If you don't have a separate shut off for your irrigation system, your system is really at risk in the winter because water remains in the pipe. Consider having a shutoff installed.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

This is an excellent time of year to get your new irrigation system installed. If you've been thinking about getting an irrigation system, fall is a great time to do so. That way your yard is ready for next spring. Ask to make sure your irrigation company is complying with state regulations (backflow prevention & rain sensors) and about warranties.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

In July of this year we lost a very dear member of the Millenium Irrigation
team to lung cancer. This being the case, this cause is touches the hearts of everyone here.
Please honor those who are battling or have battled this disease this month by wearing white whenever you can. Ladies can wear pearls all month this month too! There is much research that has been done-but there is much more to do.


More people in the United States die from lung cancer than any other type of cancer. This is true for both men and women. For more information, visit Cancer Among Men and Cancer Among Women.

In 2007 (the most recent year numbers are available)—

203,536 people in the United States were diagnosed with lung cancer, including 109,643 men and 93,893 women.*†
158,683 people in the United States died from lung cancer, including 88,329 men and 70,354 women.*†

*Incidence counts cover approximately 99% of the U.S. population. Death counts cover 100% of the U.S. population. Use caution in comparing incidence and death counts.

†Source: U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group. United States Cancer Statistics: 1999–2007 Incidence and Mortality Web-based Report. Atlanta (GA): Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Cancer Institute; 2010. Available at:

Monday, October 31, 2011

Most irrigation companies in Atlanta offer maintenance contracts to maintain your irrigation system just like your landscaper keeps your lawn maintained. An irrigation maintenance contract is an excellent way to be sure your irrigation system stays in tip top shape and is often less expensive than separate services. Our combined maintenance contract includes winterization shut down of your system and spring start up to get your system up and running properly the next year.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

What's the latest in irrigation system efficiency products? Wireless soil sensors! These sensors are placed in each irrigation zone and they measure moisture and temperature at the root level. Information is transmitted in real time 24 hours a day to a base station that works in conjunction with the existing irrigation controller.
The base station determines when your grass and/or plants have reached their optimum moisture level in each zone. The soil sensors' accurate information only allows the watering the plants need. This means a reduction in wasted water and possibly your water bill!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Irrigation Companies Atlanta

Customer Service should be priority one for any business. If you're not getting the level of customer service you feel you should, give us a try at Millenium Irrigation. We are a top rated company with excellent customer service. Not to mention the knowledge and experience to install or repair any irrigation system.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Are you still thinking about that new irrigation system?

This is a great time to have it installed to be ready for spring. There is no need to wait for your new irrigation system as many do because you'll find a backlog before you can get your new irrigation system installed in the spring. This time of year a job can usually be scheduled within one week. So what are you waiting for?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Irrigation Water Audits Atlanta

Irrigation Water Audits are an excellent way to find out the efficiency of an irrigation system and what changes can be made to increase the efficiency and thereby, save money. A full water audit requires extensive knowledge, not just of irrigation, but of irrigation efficiency products. Many commercial irrigation customers find that the audit and irrigation system upgrades pay for themselves in less than 2 years.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Atlanta Irrigation Systems

Customer Service should be priority one for any business. If you're not getting the level of customer service you feel you should from your irrigation company, give us a try at Millenium Irrigation. We are a top rated irrigation company with excellent customer service. Not to mention the knowledge and experience to install or repair any irrigation system.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Atlanta Landscape Lighting

Its that time of year when the weather gets crisp and we want to get outside. The only problem is, unlike summertime, it is dark by the time we get off of work. So how to enjoy this cool air and not be left in the dark? Consider adding outdoor lighting to your landscape! Not only will it keep unwanted people from creeping around your house but you will also be less likely to loose your footing or heaven forbid even the dog!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Atlanta Irrigation Repairs

Be smart when watering..take a look at your system frequently, even this time of year, to be sure it is working properly - look for leaky heads, heads that need adjusting and things of that nature. These types of irrigation repairs, if you wait til the Spring, could end up costing your more due to additional damage ths winter.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Irrigation Winterization Atlanta

While most irrigation system pipes should be below the frost line in Georgia, it is still important to have your irrigation system winterized because you never know what kind of winter we are going to have here in Georgia. Particularly important are you valves because while they are underground they are still exposed and those connection points have a tendency to be the first area of breaks after a cold winter.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Atlanta Outdoor Landscape Lighting

If you are thinking about installing outdoor landscape lighting,not only for security, but because it will make your home look incredible at night, be sure to consider the quality and warranty of products before you make a decision.

While products from DIY stores are very inexpensive, they do not have the warranty or quality of a product offered by a contractor. Many lights offered by contractors have up to a 15 year warranty (no less than 5 in most cases). While you will spend more upfront, you will get a longer life system choosing a contractor grade outdoor lighting.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Atlanta Irrigation System Repairs

Repairs to your irrigation system should always be completed in a timely manner. It is important to use an irrigation repair company that is famaliar with and has the experience to fix any system. Lastly, comparable or upgraded equipment from what is existing should always be used. Make sure you ask your irrigation repair technician this question so that you are not paying for repairs that will "lower" the overall quality of your irrigation system.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

With rain in the forecast, we thought this was a good time to remind you that you don't have to manually cut off your system each time there is rain expected. If you have a rain sensor on your irrigation system, which has been required by law since 2005, it will take care of that for you. It's an inexpensive way to ensure that your irrigation system is doing what's its supposed to - supplementing the rainfall.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Atlanta Irrigation Repairs

Still have an irrigation system that hasn't worked right all year long? It's not too late to tweak your system and have it properly repaired. If you wait until next year you may even have more damage than now so it's a great time to get it fixed. Also, you can take steps now to make your system run more efficiently. That way when next spring comes you will be ready!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta


Athens-Clarke Clears Up Confusion Regarding Water Rules

Last week we reported that the four counties that make up the Bear Creek Reservoir Authority voted to implement increased curbs on outdoor water use. In the days since, there has been some confusion with respect to Athens-Clarke County.
As you can see in this Athens Banner Herald Article, Athens has tweaked its rules to be the same as the other three counties. "We're now consistent with Jackson, Barrow and Oconee counties," county Water Conservation Coordinator Marilyn Hall said.
One difference remains: In ACC, a permit must be obtained to water newly installed landscapes for 30 days as granted by their approved exemptions. Permit applications are available online at and at the Public Utilities Department Customer Service Center at 124 East Hancock Avenue. Completed applications should be taken to the Water Conservation Office on the second floor of the Customer Service Center.
As reported last week, the new rules limit outdoor water use to one day per week with even number addresses allowed to water on Saturday and odd number addresses allowed to water on Sunday. The ban on watering between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM remains in effect on Saturdays and Sundays. THE FOLLOWING USES ARE EXEMPT FROM ALL HOURLY AND DAY OF THE WEEK RESTRICTIONS.

• Drip Irrigation
• Soaker Hoses
• Hand Watering
• Food Gardens
• New installs of plants and turf
• Grey Water, Rainwater and AC Condensation Resuse
• Golf Course- Tee and Green Irrigation

What This Means to the Industry

While limits on water use are never a positive for the industry, these hard fought for exemptions do undoubtedly offer some positive hope for the fall season. In addition, all four counties have agreed to implement the same rules with the same exemptions. This should help minimize any confusion the public may have about the rules.
On the other hand, high efficiency irrigation methods (drip, hand watering and soaker hoses ) are still permitted and will allow for the continued irrigation of existing landscapes. New plantings, both turf and landscapes are also exempt ( For 30 days following installation, irrigation is allowed without restriction). Food gardens, any and all production or storing for sale of plant materials are also fully exempt.

The Take Away
With these exemptions, it will be up to the industry to tell the story that FALL IS STILL FOR PLANTING! Homeowners will still have the ability to water installs of fall annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees and turf. Landscape contractors will still have 30 days to irrigate new installs following up with the home or property owner converting to drip irrigation and hand watering.
In conjunction with UGA, GGIA developed a flyer for the four counties to distribute to their customers highlighting that fall planting and conservation can go hand in hand. ACC will be including this with their water bills and Oconee County has placed the flyer on their website.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

If you have an irrigation system leak be it a leaky head, leaky valve or pipe break. Don't wait until the spring to fix it. Waiting through the winter could actually make things worse and in the end it might cost you more.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Irrigation Winterization Atlanta

Why should you winterize your irrigation system now? Frozen water can wreak havoc on an irrigation system. Because water expands when it freezes, water remaining in your system can cause all sorts of problems. You need to winterize your system every year before the first deep freeze. Winterization is done by blowing out as much water as possible from your system.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Atlanta Irrigation System Repairs

We are still continuing to receive a large volume of calls for irrigation sprinkler system repairs and restorations. When contacting an irrigation company in Atlanta be sure to give them as much information as you can about your system and what it's doing or should I say, not doing. This will help to speed up the process of getting your system repaired.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Irrigation Repairs Atlanta

Be smart when watering..take a look at your irrigation system frequently, even this time of year, to be sure it is working properly. You will need to especially look for leaky heads, heads that need adjusting,standing water, pipe or valve leaks and things of that nature. These types of irrigation repairs, if you wait til the Spring, could end up costing your more due to additional damage ths winter.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Why wait until spring to fix or upgrade your irrigation system? There's no good reason. Your irrigation system can be repaired or upgraded, heads moved, replaced, etc. prior to winter shut-down so that when you start your system up in the spring your irrigation system will be ready to go. Since spring is our busiest time of the year, you may have to wait several days or even a week or more to get on most irrigation companies' schedules. Be ready ahead of time by doing your irrigation system upgrade and repairs this fall.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Looks like we have some more rain on the way once again I am reminded of the importance of irrigation rain sensors. This is a small investment in saving water in the event of a sporadic shower or rainfall. How many times have you seen a sprinkler system running during the rain? Have you wondered why that is happening? Most likely because that system doesn't have a rain sensor. If you don't have one, I encourage you today to inquire about getting one with an irrigation company in Atlanta. Not only will it save you money, save water waste but will help to conserve water as well.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta-Winterization

What could happen if I dont winterize my irrigation system? If you don't winterize your system, heads and pipes can crack because of water remaining in the lines. If you are using a pump, the pump can crack too for the very same reason. It doesn't cost much to winterize a system. If you're thinking that we live in the south and dont need to do this-dont forget it freezes here too! If your goal is to save money by not getting it winterized, this could backfire. (Repairs could be costly and time consuming.)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Irrigation Companies Atlanta

Whether your considering a new irrigation system or looking to have an existing system repaired, your choice of irrigation companies will have an impact on the longevity of your irrigation system.
On a new irrigation system, ask about minimum state requirements such as rain sensors & backflows. On an irrigation system repair, ask about warranties as well as if anything can increase the efficiency of your irrigation system.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta-Winterization

While most irrigation system pipes should be below the frost line in Georgia, it is still important to have your irrigation system winterized because you never know what kind of winter we are going to have here in Georgia. Particularly important are you valves because while they are underground they are still exposed and those connection points have a tendency to be the first area of breaks after a cold winter.

Monday, September 19, 2011

New Irrigation Systems Altanta

Thinking about a new irrigation system for your new landscape? Be sure that your irrigation company not only looks at the landscape plan but checks out the property to gain knowledge of site conditions (slope, soil, etc.) as well as checking your static water pressure and flow rate. Failing to check all these things before installing a new irrigation system could result in an inefficient, water-hogging sprinkler system.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta-Winterization

So you don't think you need to winterize your irrigation system? At least do these couple of things, shut off the water. Run your system for about 30 sec to clear as much water as possible. Unplug your controller. You aren't fully protected as you would be with a professional winterization but it's better than nothing. If you don't have a separate shut off for your irrigation system, your system is really at risk in the winter because water remains in the pipe. Consider having a shutoff installed.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Drought watch moves closer to metro Atlanta

Yesterday the city of Griffin banned ALL outdoor watering beginning Friday. With almost 60% of your total water usage going towards outdoor watering, we can all help to reduce water usage while we water our grass, flowers, etc. Water efficient irrigation systems have products like sprinkler heads, nozzles, soil sensors & smart controllers that can reduce your usage and give your lawn the precise amount of water needed. Over 90% of people over-water! Consider doing your part to help keep the water flowing & flowers growing.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta-Winterizing Your System

People ask us every day if here in the south you "really" need to winterize your irrigation system. Our answer 'yes' - because you never know what kind of winter we will have. Winterizing your irrigation syatem will increase the longevity of the system and lower the chances of problems next spring. Its always better to be cautious and preventive measures can save you lots of $$$ in repairs!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

I wanted to remind you guys how important "service AFTER the sale" is. We have some customers who call with newly installed irrigation systems with a warranty. They have a problem that needs to be fixed and can't get in contact with the company that did the work. They have called numerous times and no one has called them back. Now they have called us and we are going to try to help them out-but it really should be done totally free under their warranty through the original company. So keep in mind when choosing a company for your new irrigation system the importance of Service After the Sale.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Irrigation Repairs Atlanta

When your searching for an irrigation repair company, ask about warranties on work they are performing and their level of experience. Anybody can throw pipe in a truck and buy supplies at home improvement stores and call themselves doing irrigation. My company is a member of the Irrigation Association, Georgia Green Industry Association, Hunter Silver Preferred Contractor, Rainbird Select Contractor as well as has over 10 years experience in installation, design and repair of irrigation systems throughout northern Georgia. Don't be fooled - call a real expert first.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

We completed our new irrigation system installation in McDonough yesterday and the newbie learned a little about "pressure" and "flow" and how they relate to an irrigation system. Upon completion of the installation, our guys found that we had no "flow". Flow is the actual water flowing through the pipes. The odd thing was we had adequate pressure (the force at which the water should flow) but no flow and that is virtually impossible. The only way this can happen is if there is a blockage somewhere. Our guys found it at the water meter and our customer is on her way to a beautiful landscape!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta-Soil Sensors

Did you notice your irrigation system running even after all of the rain we just had? Soil sensors can eliminate over-watering and reduce your water bill. They also typically work well with existing systems. These wireless sensors are placed in the ground at root level in each sprinkler zone. They measure soil moisture and temperature day and night. The measurements are transmitted to a base station which is connected to the irrigation system controller. When the soil has adequate moisture (whether from rain or from the irrigation system) the sensors will restrict the system from watering in that zone. Wow-now that's what I call getting to the "root" of the problem!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Irrigation System Atlanta

This is an excellent time of year to get your new irrigation system installed. If you've been thinking about getting an irrigation system, fall is a great time to do so that your yard is ready for next spring. Ask to make sure your irrigation company is complying with state regulations (backflow prevention & rain sensor) and about warranties.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New Irrigation Systems Atlantal

Today we are starting a new irrigation system installation in McDonough. Our customer had some landscape items added to her yard (flowers, bushes, etc.) and was watering them manually with a water hose and sprinkler. The weather got horribly hot and it just got to be too much for her plus the new additions were beginning to suffer. The customer will now be able to revive the dried up landscape and I am sure she will be very pleased at the ease and efficiency she will soon be able to enjoy from her new irrigation system.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Irrigation Soil Sensors

Soil sensors are the best way to provide precise watering for your lawn and plants. Why? Soil sensors actually "sense" the moisture and temperature of the soil itself. Remember, your not watering the sprigs of grass or the leaves of the flowers but the ROOTS so there is no better way to get the right amount of water than a soil sensor.

Atlanta Irrigation Systems

If you are thinking about restoring an old irrigation system, think about upgrading your system to the most water efficient products available. The cost difference, if any, will be saved very quickly. Also be sure to ask your atlanta irrigation company about any after service warranty for atlanta irrigation system repairs.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Next time you have service done on your irrigation system consider starting to gradually replace older, outdated sprinkler heads with water efficient pressure compensating heads, rotory nozzles for sprayers and the likes. By next spring and summer, you will have a much more highly efficient system.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Landscape Lighting Atlanta

Outdoor lights are a beautiful accent for your landscape but they serve other purposes as well. As we mentioned before light is the number one theft deterrent but it also serves as a visual highlight for you beautiful home and yard. (Not to mention the advantage of being able to see when its dark outside). Normally people want to accent the home, outdoor trees and bushes, walkways and larger trees as well. Lighting can be used around patios, decks, firepits, and just about anywhere you can think of. (Like the deck you see pictured here.)
It is a good idea to check with your irrigation company to see if they can "shed some light on the situation" for you.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Do you have an new irrigation system and have you noticed an increase in your water bill since having it installed? Water rates vary from county to county and the differences can be anywhere from slight to phenomenal. This will depend largely on the frequency with which you water your lawn but also the duration of those watering times. The irrigation company that installed your system should be up to date on efficent watering practices plus be able to offer you some inexpensive money-saving solutions. Ask about things like adjusting the frenquency and length of watering times or installing check valves in rotor and sprayers. Sometimes its the simplest adustments that can get some cash back in your pocket.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

When getting your quotes for your new irrigation system be sure to ask your irrigation contractor about what products they are using and why. Ask about any special features those products have, how they benefit you and for any written information on those products. Make sure any irrigation contractor you use knows all about the products they want to put in your yard to be sure you're getting the very best you can get.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Irrigation Atlanta

Some irrigation companies also offer low voltage landscape lighting which will increase the security of your home as well beautify those features that made you fall in love with your home in the first place. Often if you combine outdoor lighting with irrigation system installations or irrigation system repairs, you can get a discount.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Outdoor Lighting Atlanta

Do you know what the number 1 crime deterrant is? Lighting...outdoor lighting. So if you're considering outdoor lighting or landscape lighting think of it as an investment no only in the beautification of your home but the safety of your family.

Friday, August 19, 2011

You need to do a regular maintenance check on your irrigation system. If your sprinklers aren't kept in great condition, they could be wasting water as well as having detrimental effects on your lawn!

Sprinkler Maintenance Checklist:
Once a month, turn on each valve of your irrigation system during daylight hours and perform an inspection. Some automatic timers allow you to set a test run, or you can program each station to come on successively for one minute. Check the following:

-Is any water being sprayed on the street or sidewalk?
-Are there obstructions preventing the water from reaching the desired areas?
-Are there any observable leaks or breaks in the pipe?

Are any heads…
-pushed too far into the ground?
-tilted or spraying in the wrong direction?

Is the pressure…
-too low?(spray is not reaching all desired areas, spray is forming large water droplets, there are doughnut shaped dry areas, rotor speed is too slow, rotors are not rotating).
-too high? (spray is overshooting desired areas, spray is misting and there are dry areas between heads, rotor speed is too fast, rotors are not rotating, heads are leaking).

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Be sure to do a little research when deciding on an irrigation company in Atlanta. Make sure you ask the right questions: product manufacturer, warranty, state requirements, years in business and other jobs and/or customer testimonials. Also, be sure to ask your irrigation contractor if they utilize the "full coverage" theory in irrigation. If not, there will be
missed spots and you will never fully realize the potential for your irrigation system.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Irrigation Sytem Repairs Atlanta

Take the time in the next few days to check on your irrigation system. Look for leaks and heads that aren't spraying correctly. Go ahead and contact an irrigation company in Atlanta to make those repairs so that your system will be working properly and efficiently. Be wary of irrigation companies that tell you they don't have a service fee. They often have a one-hour minimum fee which is the same thing although most companies with service fees, such as mine, have no time limitation.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

With the cooler temps around the corner, many of us are hoping that the beautiful Georgia fall is on its way. Now is the time to consider getting an irrigation maintenance agreement where for a flat annual fee your irrigation system will be shut-down properly and started up properly as well as checked on for any issues. If you've never considered an irrigation maintenance agreement, there's no time like the present. Like changing the oil in your car, it will give your irrigation system more longevity.

Monday, August 15, 2011

New Irrigation Systems Atlanta

As things begin to pick up for new irrigation system installations , please don't forget about the importance of backflow prevention and the fact that backflow prevention is required by state law. Know the differences between a dual check and double check device and which one affords the most protection for your family. Here's a clue: many communities & counties south of metro Atlanta require and test double check backflow prevention devices.

Friday, August 12, 2011

New Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Proper design (pipe size, head nozzles, etc.) by your irrigation company is essential. It's great if you have an irrigation system to water your lawn but not great if it's watering while it's raining or right after it stopped raining. It's also not good if you don't have proper coverage by your irrigation system which will result in brown or missed spots. Make sure you are getting what you need from your irrigation system and that you are able to water efficiently.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Irrigation Systems

What does "full coverage" mean when it comes to irrigation system installations? Full coverage is head-to-head coverage in conjunction with proper precipitation rates. Meaning, your sprinkler head spray should touch all heads in its' spray area. This is an important factor in the design and installation of your new irrigation system. Remember, chose wisely, chose effectively and water efficiently.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

The warranty on your new irrigation system is important but it is more important that whomever you choose to install it can back up the warranty. Repairs are needed from time to time so make sure the company that installs your irrigation system
can be found if you need them after the installation. Time in business as well as community and/or business ties seem to be indicative of a reputable company.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Irrigation Repairs Atlanta

If you have a new irrigation system installed, you should expect some increase in your water bill. It is always a good idea to check your water rates so you will know what to expect with the extra useage. If you have a higher than normal water bill you need to get it checked out. If there happens to be a leak in your system, most water companies will issue you a credit on your water bill provided you can show them proof it's been fixed such as an irrigation repair company invoice.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

If you are contemplating having a new irrigation system installed, fall is an excellent time to do so. Starting early gives you plenty of time to prepare for watering next spring.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Irrigation Systems

Thinking about new irrigation system or possibly an irrigation system repair? Make sure to look for companies that are members of the Georgia Green Industry Association or the Irrigation Association. These groups require their members to maintain certain standards and they help to promote water efficient irrigation products.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Irrigation Systems

Installing a smart controller for your irrigation system can save you time, water and money. Smart controllers automatically adjust the watering schedule based on current weather conditions. You could save up to 50% compared to standard time-based controllers.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Atlanta Irrigation Systems

Power outages landscape irrigation systems can sometimes cause delays in proper watering times. So what to do besides watch the lawn turn different shades of brown? Make sure you have a back-up battery in your controller or in some cases, switching to a battery-operated controller landscape irrigation system controller could be helpful.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Atlanta Landscape Lighting

Light up the night! Landscape lighting using LED bulbs is the way to go for your outdoor lighting needs. LED lights can burn over 100,000 hours-that's eleven years at full brighness. This is twice the lifespan of a typical flourescent bulb and twenty times longer than incandescent light bulbs. Making the switch to LED lighting will not only save money but will allow for more time to enjoy your landscape lighting. Watch for more info later this week.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Irrigation Atlanta

July is Smart Irrigation Month! Check out this video that may give you some "smart" watering ideas.

Irrigation Atlanta: Smart Irrigation Month

July is Smart Irrigation Month! Check out this video that may give you some "smart" watering ideas.

Irrigation Atlanta

Learn more about Smart irrigation for Smart Irrigation Month and how we can help you not only water smarter but more effectively. Check out this video.

New Irrigation Systems

Finising up a new irrigation system in Fayetteville today. 8 zones highly efficient with a Smart comes water savings, just in time for the end of Smart Irrigation Month.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Splish Splash Video & Free Irrigation Coloring Book

Learn simple tips the kids can help you with and have fun too with Splash's Coloring Book.

Click here for a great video geared towards the kids and the "smart" future of irrigation for Smart Irrigation Month.

Smart Irrigation Month: Hot Tip

It's Smart Irrigation Month and here's you a hot tip on this hot July day: water early morning when it's coolest and the wind is lowest. This will allow your landscape an opportunity to soak up all the water it needs.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Irrigation Repair Lawn Sprinkler Repairs

Finally, we are getting some sporadic much needed rain but are your sprinklers supplementing your irrigation system as it is designed to do? Seek out an experience irrigation company in atlanta who can help you increase the efficiency of your irrigation system by doing simple, inexpensive things such as nozzle changes or adding a rain sensor.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Atlanta Irrigation Lawn Sprinklers

Have you turned up the amount of watering time on your controller and then BOOM got hit with a higher water bill? I've received several calls related to this today and customers are afraid they have leaks. If you have increased your watering times due to the dry, hot weather & do not have visible signs of a leak, it is likely that your water bill increase is due to the increased watering times. Seems simple enough but the questions are being asked!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Irrigation Atlanta

Have you seen the news about letting the public know about how and when you can water? The everyday outdoor watering for lawns, flowers, etc. has very specific rules on what you can use and #1 is an automated irrigation system.
Automated irrigation system: every day after 4 pm and before 10 am.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lawn Sprinkler Repairs

Customers are listening to our advice and when having irrigation repairs made updating their irrigation systems with more water efficient irrigation products. One customer called me today to say since we did his update in March (changed all his rotors to water efficient rotors) and he started full on watering in May, he just got his water bill and it's 16% lower than last year. And, not to mention, his grass is just as green and it's hotter too.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Atlanta Irrigation Repair

With there being so little rain, I am receiving many calls regarding noticeable brown spots in yards. The reason for this is that the system was not designed and installed with full coverage. For this reason, there are limitations to what an irrigation company can do but moving heads, changing heads, nozzles, etc. can often times rectify the water coverage issues.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Irrigation Repair Atlanta

It is important that your irrigation repair technician has some knowledge of the turf and plants you wish to you water with your lawn sprinkler system. The reason for this is so that if you are not using an ET based automatic controller, like Rainbird's ESP-SMT, proper watering times can be set. Did you know over 70% of people OVERwater there landscape?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

I've had many calls lately from customers who really want a new irrigation system but want to "side step" to get the system in their budget. By "side step" I mean saying "can we skip the rain sensor?" "Do I really need a doublecheck backflow preventor?" "Can I buy the parts to save money?" All really good questions or concerns but the state requires backflow prevention and a rain sensor. Do you need a double check backflow preventor - yes. A dual check, while much cheaper, is not meant to be used in a potentially toxic situation (i.e., fertilizer backflow) and is not testable. Rain Sensor - yes - the state requires it - period. Sure you can also buy the parts but there are warranty issues with that which a contractor will not be able to help you with. A properly designed and installed irrigation system with proper components will ensure you a healthy landscape and save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Don't skimp - you'll pay for it later.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Irrigation Repair Atlanta

Ask for sprinkler heads with check valves in them. Why? They prevent water from draining out of the system at the lowest sprinkler which eliminates erosion and runoff. Not to mention, they help keep a little more water in your irrigation lines which therefore saves you $$$$.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Atlanta Lawn Sprinkler Repair

So your one of those people who hasn't used their irrigation system since the drought. It's definitely time to get that lawn sprinkler system tuned up and consider switching nozzles and heads to today's more water efficient products.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Choosing an Irrigation Company Atlanta

Doing lawn sprinkler repairs & installations, I immediately realize the importance of word of mouth. It used to be check the BBB & then you picked your contractor. With the Internet, it is much easier to check up on companies using services such as Angie's List, RatePoint, Kudzu, etc. How your neighbors, friends or co-worker were treated by an irrigation contractor should be one of the most important factors to help you pick an irrigation company for your new irrigation system or service. This & of course, knowledge if rules, regulations and efficient water usage.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Many people have lawn sprinkler systems installed and sorta forget about them. I cannot stress to you the importance of proper maintenance of your irrigation system. We are finding many people who didn't use their systems during the drought restrictions have significant problems now after so long without use.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta Lawns Sprinkler Systems

Here's what our most recent new irrigation system customer said on review: "Carla and Gregg were wonderful they answered all my question and even told me what to look for from other companys if I decided not to used them which let me know they wanted to make sure I didnt get taken adavantage of. I was out of town for the installation but my wife and mom raved about how nice and courteous the workers were.. Thank you very much" This customer was out of town helping to restore power in storm ravaged areas and we are so happy he's happy.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Pump systems for lawn sprinklers

It is hugely important that your lawn sprinkler company under stand the hydraulics of an irrigation system when using a pump to water. Many factors come in to play and you can't just sit any old pump out there and expect good results.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Irrigation Systems

Considering a new lawn sprinkler system for your flower beds? Drip irrigation is not your only option. You might also consider micro irrigation with low flow, high efficiency nozzles as well. Critters and the like enjoy chewing on your drip lines and we believe the longevity of micro irrigation is worth the few extra bucks!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Irrigation Atlanta

Once you've had your lawn sprinkler system repaired consider going under a maintenance plan with your irrigation company that will help prevent large future repair bills.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Irrigation Peachtree City

Just finished up another new irrigation system in Peachtree City this week. This is a total yard re-do inconjunction with a great landscaper located on the south side of Atlanta. Watch for pictures coming soon to our website. If you are doing significant landscaping make sure your landscape professional and irrigation company work together to achieve the highest quality results for you.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Lawn sprinkler systems are meant to supplement natural rainfall. The importance of proper precip rates is also crucial to even supplment of water. Be sure that your irrigation system is setup to give you the proper water and supplement for natural rainfall rather than just watering to water and therefore raising your water bill.

Monday, April 25, 2011

New Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Here's a tip when getting a new irrigation system in Atlanta: Don't forget the minimum state requirements of backflow prevention and rain sensors. And on the backflow prevention, make sure you are getting what will provide you with the highest protection for your drinking water. They sound alike but aren't: ask for a double check device not a dual check device.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Thinking about a new irrigation system? Want to know the difference between trenching and trenchless installation. Trenching allows the irrigation contractor to completely see the environment the irrigation pipe is in and clear it of debris which allows for a better, longer lasting system. Scared of trenching and what your yard will look like. Not too bad and only for a short period of time, if you follow our instructions after your installation.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lawn Sprinkler Systems Atlanta

Check out this picture of an add-on to an existing irrigation system that didn't originally have irrigation in the beds. The customer did a very good job of prepping the system at installation to expand into this bed in the future. Planning for additions to irrigation systems is a big key to keep the cost down.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Irrigation Companies Atlanta

How about this? Our latest secure customer review: "This company was very professional from beginning to end, scott was the person who came out to give the estimate, and he also was a part of the team that installed the sprinkler system. he did everything he promised in a timely,efficient, and professional manner.The entire team was great. Additionally they layed sod in our backyard and did a wonderful job,it looks great . The team was neat and cleaned up behind themselves, in all it was a good experience."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Atlanta Irrigation Repair Companies

When you are looking for Atlanta irrigation repair companies make sure you understand the fees that may be charged. For instance, a "trip" charge or "service" fee equally $80 may get your more than "no service fee" and an hourly charge with a minimum.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Irrigation Systems Peachtree City

Don't forget about the minimum state required rain sensor and backflow prevention for any new irrigation system. If you're in the City of Peachtree City or Coweta County or one of it's cities, be sure to ask about their specific requirements on backflow.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Sod, New Irrigation System

I've blogged on this topic before but I'm starting to get calls that just make me feel awful. Think about the fact your new sod will need watering before you install it and consider how you're going to water it. If you're going automated with an irrigaiton system, do that first. An irrigation system will definitely save you money in the long run on watering.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Just completed a quick 3 zone irrigation system installation in East Atlanta today. Used superior water efficient MP Rotators. Considering a new system? Don't delay!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Irrigation Peachtree City

If you are considering a new irrigation system, be sure that your irrigation company let's you know all the options available to meet your specific needs. Watering saving products, easy to use automatically controllers and make sure they explain the benefits to you of each products so you can make a good choice.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lawn Sprinklers Atlanta

Looks like we've probably had our "blackberry" winter and with the beautiful weather this weekend, there's no better time to be thinking about a new lawn sprinkler system or making improvements to your existing irrigation system.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Irrigation Atlanta

Did you know lawn sprinklers and irrigation are the same? Irrigation means "to supply dry land with water..." And that's what irrigation does using sprinklers which is "a device to sprays water." I thought these defintions we kinda a cool little fact to know. So sprinklers are what sprays the water to irrigate your dry land!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

With all this rain do you need a new irrigation system? Absolutely, because we all know what the summer will bring and your irrigation system is meant to supplement natural rainfall.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Atlanta Irrigation Companies

To trench or not to trench? Many people have differing opinions on this issue. Our preference is to trench. Why? Stability, Longevity. While 90% of what we do is residential irrigation systems, I've never seen specifications on any commercial job that did not require trenching for the two reasons I mentioned. Stability, Longevity.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

I cannot blog enough on the topic of being sure your irrigation system is working properly before planting, sodding or fertilizing. This time of year many irrigation companies schedules are full for several days in advance. Don't get caught in an "emergency" situation with new sod or plants. Have your irrigation system inspected before you lay sod, seed, plant or fertilize.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Irrigation Systems Peachtree City

Another happy customer with their new "smart" irrigation system in Peachtree City. We finished the irrigation installation yesterday and they are ready to do their spring planting.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Atlanta Irrigation Repair

Did your system have a hard time surviving this winter's cold or has it not been used since the drough? If so, now is definitely the time to turn on your lawn sprinkler system and make sure it's working properly. Better yet, have an irrigation company check it out for you for a flat fee.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Atlanta Irrigation Repair

Just had to share a phone call with you all today. A company installed a pump system for a customer and the pump is not not working properly. The pump was installed in November and the irrigation contractor is not reachable for the repair. Another tale, so that when you select an irrigation company to do irrigation repair work that you know they'll be there after the sale for service.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Irrigation Systems Peachtree City

Not all irrigation systems are created equal. Any one can throw pipe in their truck and say they do irrigation. Make sure you choose a professional irrigation company to complete your new irrigation system. What most people don't realize is how important the hydraulics of an irrigation system are to its proper operation and longevity. It's actually more technical to properly install and design an irrigation system than one might think.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New irrigation systems & sod

Planning to lay sod? Think first about the water necessary for proper growth & maintenance. Every year I get calls from homeowners who didn't realize how important watering was & then in a panic need irrigation. Do your new irrigation system first & sod second.

Monday, March 14, 2011

New Irrigation System Peachtree City

We will finish up this awesome new irrigation system tomorrow as there is very little left to do even if it rains. Our team worked hard today knowing that the rain could make the irrigation system harder to complete to get to a point where it wouldn't be. Great job guys!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Irrigation Peachtree City

What an awesome irrigation project we just finished up in Peachtree City. After the rain the weather was awesome, it the new irrigation system is in and mostly, our customers are happy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Irrigation Atlanta

Sign of the times? People are asking more about how they can save on their water bills with irrigation system products which thereby saves water. With Georgia's water crisis, it's important we as a company do our part.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Irrigation Peachtree City

Just complete another irrigation system install over the weekend in Peachtree City and our client picked the most water efficient products available.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Irrigation Peachtree City

After my meeting in Tucson the last couple of days, I learned Georgia is very much behind he curve on requirements for irrigation systems. There are, however, a couple of places that do enforce protection of drinking water with required double check backflow prevention - Coweta county required it and annual testing; Peachtree City requires it and inspects it too.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New irrigation systems

Today we are installing a new, highly efficient irrigation system in Decatur with water efficient MP rotators. If you want to save money & keep your landscape lush & green, you can do it without it costing a fortune.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

People often ask us "how much will my water bill be when I run my new irrigation system?". It depends on several things like you local water rates & the efficiency of your irrigation system. Want to save the most without sacrificing your landscape? Use water efficient sprinkler heads, controllers & sensors.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Seems like we all got spring fever with that beautiful weather of the last week or so and, today, feels more like fall. Outdoor landscape watering uses 58% of your overall water usage so be sure that you consider the many water efficient products for your irrigation system to help you save on those watering costs.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Backflow prevention is required by the State of Georgia. A double-check device is testable and provides the most effective prevention of contamination. You may hear of a “dual-check” backflow device. Don’t be fooled as this is not the same as a “double-check” (which is pictured below). A dual check backflow is typically used in a non-toxic situation – remember the soil contaminants in your lawn can be toxic so a dual check backflow doesn’t provide the most effective protection for your family and neighbors.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Irrigation Companies Atlanta

Thinkig about a new irrigation system? With this sneak peek at spring, many are going ahead and moving forward with their installations of their new irrigation systems so that they will be ready when they plant their spring flowers. Don't wait until after you've planted your spring flowers to get your irrigation system - do it now.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Did you just purchase a new home with an irrigation system? We have seen a significant increase in request for irrigation system inspections for new homebuyers. Repairing an old or improperly designed irrigation system can be expensive - so keep that in mind when you're shopping for your new home. If it has an irrigation system and you want to know about it, give us a call (770) 461-1776.