Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Spring Start-up

After our extremely cold winter in Atlanta, I expect a substantial increase in irrigation repair requests. I would suggest that you be proactive in your pursuit of irrigating your lawn and either DIY spring start-up and check or call a certified irrigation contractor to do a complete run-through on your irrigation system. Doing this will eliminate huge repair bills later for irrigation repairs in Atlanta. I know that irrigation repair in Atlanta can be expensive and this spring start-up check could potentially save you hundreds of dollars later in the watering season. Find a irrigation company in Atlanta that has the knowledge and experience to properly diagnose existing irrigation system problems as well as the ability to see potential problems in the making. Not only will you save in repair bills later but you could save a lot of money in water bills from an improper irrigation system. My company is offering a special spring start-up. You can learn more about that special at

If you need information on a DIY spring start-up, post your questions here on our blog. The basic checkup is not difficult but can be time consuming for the average person. To determine potential problems definitely requires the expertise of an irrigation company in Atlanta.

1 comment:

  1. To clarify one point - a "certified irrigation contractor" is a special designation acquired by passing a rigorous test regarding every aspect of irrigation repair, design, installation, maintenance and the irrigation business as a whole. There are lots of great knowledgable irrigation people without this designation, but if you find one with a CIC they are definitely the "creme de la creme"
