Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Irrigation Systems Atlanta

In the last couple of days I've gotten several phone calls from people who want to get a new irrigation system. All of them seemed to have one thing in common - they didn't know much about irrigation design or planning - but just wanted water.

So I say it you that proper design (pipe size, head nozzles, etc.) by your irrigation company is essential. It's great if you got an irrigation system to water your lawn but not great if it's watering while it's raining or right after it stopped raining. It's also not good if you don't have proper coverage by your irrigation system that will result in brown or missed spots.

Keep in mind that different manufacturers' products offer different features. If your interested in efficiency products - ask about those. If you just want to water your roses, ask about just watering your roses. Make sure and let your irrigation contractor know what you need and want.

Be sure to do a little research when deciding on an irrigation company in Atlanta. Make sure you ask the right questions: product manufacturer, warranty, state requirements, years in business and other jobs and/or customer testimonials. Also, be sure to ask your irrigation contractor if they utilize the "full coverage" theory in irrigation. If not, missed spots there will be and you will never fully realize the potential for your irrigation system.

A little research and planning will take you a long way...chose wisely, chose effectively and water efficiently.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

'Tis The Season...

The irrigation Christmas tree is twinkling and Jack Frost was running around last night. Looks like Christmas is on the way and it seems everyone is in the holiday spirit. During this time, we will all experience the shopping, eating and traveling that comes with the season. Here at Millenium Irrigation,
we ask that you not only enjoy those things but also remember those who may not have a great Christmas. There are so many out there who are without-whether its food, clothing, money, a home, or even a loved one. Share your joy with others-you never know that even a kind word can change someone's view. Spread your Christmas joy-and as always have a safe December!

Stay tuned-tomorrow its back to more irrigation information!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Rain Sensors for Irrigation Systems

With the rain we are getting today, it once again reminds me of the importance of irrigation rain sensors. This is a small investment in saving water in the event of a sporadic shower or rainfall. How many times have you seen an irrigation system running during the rain? Have you wondered why that is happening? Most likely because that system doesn't have a rain sensor. If you don't have one, I encourage you today to inquire about getting one with an irrigation company in Atlanta. Not only will it save you money, save water waste but will help to conserve water as well.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Being Thankful...

Here at Millenium Irrigation, we feel we have much to be thankful for. I would like to take this moment to thank all of our customers out there..without you we wouldn't be doing what we do. Thank you to all of our vendors...without your support, our job would be ten times harder. And most of all, thank you to our guys. They get out there and work every day, rain or shine, cold or hot. You are the faces that our customers see and the excellent work you do keeps them coming back. Thank you for everything you do, every single day. (Even Saturdays!) Here's an early Happy Thanksgiving wish from Millenium Irrigation.

We hope everyone out there enjoys the holidays, has safe travels where ever you go, and last but not least....We hope everyone finds something to be thankful for. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Woodward Academy

Today we start another week long project at Woodward Academy. They have an irrigation system that is need of additions, repairs and upgrades and we have steadily been working on it for a several months now. This week we are working at the middle school campus with more projects to come in the near future.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Irrigation System Winterization

While most irrigation system pipes should be below the frost line in Georgia, it is still important to have your irrigation system winterized because you never know what kind of winter we are going to have here in Georgia. Particularly important are you valves because while they are underground they are still exposed and those connection points have a tendency to be the first area of breaks after a cold winter.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Irrigation Atlanta

Be smart when watering..take a look at your system frequently, even this time of year, to be sure it is working properly - look for leaky heads, heads that need adjusting and things of that nature. These types of irrigation repairs, if you wait til the Spring, could end up costing your more due to additional damage ths winter.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Irrigation Repairs Atlanta

Getting ready to go on vacation? Thanksgiving holidays are just around the corner. If you are planning to visit with family out of town, you need to make sure your irrigation system is working properly while you are gone. For irrigation system repairs in Atlanta, it is important to get a thorough walk-thru and inspection from your irrigation repair company.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Irrigation Companies Atlanta

With the skies clouding up, I can't help but stress the importance of rain sensors. We have had several repair calls recently where irrigation companies in Atlanta didn't comply with the state requirement for rain sensors. Contractors are doing a huge disservice to their customers when they don't meet this small inexpensive requirement.

You can take a step up towards saving a little on watering your lawn by making an investment in a new controller which allows for seasonal adjustments and adding a Solar Sync. I did this and saved an average of 30% on my personal watering bill during the spring and summer last year.

To learn more go to our website.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Irrigation Companies Atlantla

Even when it comes to irrigation systems, customer service matters!

Another ***** star rating from one of our recent customers:

-Very professional and helpful. Took the time to explain to me the steps that he needed to do to complete the job. Office staff when I made the appointment was very friendly and accommodating. A+++++ !!! Cecille H., PTC

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

As a company and personally, we here at Millenium Irrigation would like to extend a huge thank you to all of the men and women who have and will serve in the military for our country. To the past, present and future protectors of America, WE SALUTE YOU!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Irrigation Repairs Atlanta

Take the time in the next few days to check on your sprinkler system. Look for leaks and heads that aren't spraying correctly. Go ahead and contact an irrigation company in Atlanta to make those repairs so that your system is functioning properly. Be wary of irrigation companies that tell you they don't have a service fee as they often have a one-hour minimum fee which is the same thing although most companies with service fees, such as mine, have no time limitation.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

Thinking about a new irrigation system for your new landscape? Be sure that your irrigation company not only looks at the landscape plan but checks out the property to gain knowledge of site conditions (slope, soil, etc.) as well as checking your static water pressure and flow rate. Failing to check all these things before installing a new irrigation system could result in an inefficient, water-hogging sprinkler system.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

November is Lung Cancer Awareness month and Millenium Irrigation had our team out and about early this past Saturday morning to participate in a 5K No More Excuses
Walk/Run for lung cancer. I am so proud that everyone here at Millenium (including friends and family) came out to be a part of "Team Pearlies"! We had three medal winners from our team alone and we managed to raise quite a bit of money that will go directly to lung cancer research. Not only did we walk to raise awareness and money for research, but we walked in memory of one of the founders of this company, Gregg Poe. Lung cancer is not just a smoker's disease so please help us spread awareness this month. No one deserves lung cancer and the more we make others aware, the better chance we have for implementing early detection and hopefully one day a cure!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

So you don't think you need to winterize your irrigation system? At least do these couple of things, shut off the water. Run your system for about 30 sec to clear as much water as possible. Unplug your controller. You aren't fully protected as you would be with a professional winterization but it's better than nothing. If you don't have a separate shut off for your irrigation system, your system is really at risk in the winter because water remains in the pipe. Consider having a shutoff installed.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Irrigation Systems Atlanta

This is an excellent time of year to get your new irrigation system installed. If you've been thinking about getting an irrigation system, fall is a great time to do so. That way your yard is ready for next spring. Ask to make sure your irrigation company is complying with state regulations (backflow prevention & rain sensors) and about warranties.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

In July of this year we lost a very dear member of the Millenium Irrigation
team to lung cancer. This being the case, this cause is touches the hearts of everyone here.
Please honor those who are battling or have battled this disease this month by wearing white whenever you can. Ladies can wear pearls all month this month too! There is much research that has been done-but there is much more to do.


More people in the United States die from lung cancer than any other type of cancer. This is true for both men and women. For more information, visit Cancer Among Men and Cancer Among Women.

In 2007 (the most recent year numbers are available)—

203,536 people in the United States were diagnosed with lung cancer, including 109,643 men and 93,893 women.*†
158,683 people in the United States died from lung cancer, including 88,329 men and 70,354 women.*†

*Incidence counts cover approximately 99% of the U.S. population. Death counts cover 100% of the U.S. population. Use caution in comparing incidence and death counts.

†Source: U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group. United States Cancer Statistics: 1999–2007 Incidence and Mortality Web-based Report. Atlanta (GA): Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Cancer Institute; 2010. Available at: